Use the link to take the survey -- we need at least 250 providers to take this survey. Our securing health insurance for all of us DEPENDS ON YOU COMPLETING THIS SURVEY! Our future depends on YOU completing this survey. If providers don't step up, we might lose this valuable opportunity.
2023 Current Child Care Rules in Oregon (Translation to Spanish in Process)
CKC:HSN Set: 1 Hours: 4
This training can be used to satisfy requirements for:
HSN hours for licensing renewals,
Staff orientation on licensing rules,
Hours for increasing step level on ORO, and
Hours for annual/biannual continuing education for licensing.
Please see the attached document below (downloadable in pdf format). These were approved by the Local Executive Board. While the Local Executive Board is supportive of some of the rule language, we condemn some of the proposed rules and are strongly against those rules passing. Download: 2023 November 29 414 RAC public testimony CCPT Local 132 Official.pdf
Wondering about the new Caregiver Background Check renewal process? Wanting more info on the fingerprint process? Check out the attached document for more info.
Please be aware that this is the "optimal" or "expected" timeline. Glitches happen and ELD is still working out the bugs/kinks in the system. Download: Spanish CBR Process and Timeline (CBR-619sp).pdf CBR Process and Timeline (CBR-619).pdf
Use these forms (must use both together) to get reimbursed for CPR and First Aid class regardless of WHO you received the training from. Simply print off both forms, complete them, enclose your training certificate and original paid receipt for the class and send to WOU using the address on the upper-right corner of the form titled "INVOICE. Download: Substitute_W9_revised_7_30_13.pdf Invoice_FirstAidCPR.pdf