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    2025 Training Calendar CCPT Local 132 AFSCME  You can also check out the dates on our calendar -- not getting notifications and messages from our calendar? Please use the link below the log in box to register for notifications (use a cell phone number and best email to make sure you are getting all the messages).

    2025 Bargaining Survey

    Please use this link to access and your web browser to translate into your preferred language.  https://www.surveymonkey.

    2025 Annual CCPT Conference 2/1/25

    Register here using our Google Form (just click on "Google Form" to go to the form) Friday night 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm (Trivia Night) Set 2 CKC PPLD (English and Spanish delivery) Join us for a FCC Trivia Night experience! Like "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire", it's team-based learning from themed trivia.

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  • Providers Bill of Rights
    Sep 02, 2008
    Oregon Family Child Care Provider Bill of Rights

    All family child care providers have:

    1. The right to be treated as a professional with courtesy, dignity, consideration and respect.

    2. The right to be given the same consideration and treatment as all other providers regardless of race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, political affiliation, disability, marital status, age or union affiliation.

    3. The right to file a complaint with the appropriate agency when provider believes they have been discriminated against because of race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, political affiliation, disability, marital status, age or union affiliation.

    4. The right to request and be given a new licensing specialist for cause one time so long as staffing allows in that area.

    5. The right to receive written information such as notices and explanation in provider's primary language as provided for in law and agency policy.

    6. The right to receive written notice of any changes to payment or programs that affect families receiving state subsidies.

    7. The right to have the information in my provider file kept confidential except as otherwise stated by state and federal law.

    8. The right to review all information that is in my provider file except as otherwise provided for by state and federal law.

    9. The right to require representatives of Agencies to show photo identification and leave a business card with me.

    10. The right to be advised by the agency of the type of visit.

    11. The right during all visits to be treated professionally and receive an objective, impartial assessment.

    12. The right to request a witness to observe and document any visit including compliance visits, so long as it does not delay the compliance visit.

    13. The right to receive an accurate report of the visit including the evaluator's findings listing each observed deficiency. The description of the evaluator's observation shall include a clear explanation of why the existing condition constitutes a deficiency and the provider's explanation of the deficiency.

    14. The right to be informed of the evaluator's supervisor and his/her contact information.

    15. The right to be given technical assistance by the agency if provider receives a compliance visit that identifies valid out of compliance issues.

    16. The right to have CCD complaint allegations found valid before my registration or certification is revoked or suspended. Once a complaint is found valid, and action is taken on the license, CCD may send letters to parents. Letters are not sent to parents during the course of an investigation except for open investigations of criminal conduct and child abuse.

    17. The right to have a union representative present during any interactions so long as it does not delay the interaction.

    Sep 02, 2008


    Sep 02, 2008


    Sep 02, 2008


    Page Last Updated: Sep 02, 2008 (09:31:00)
  • AFSCME Local 132

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