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    Please complete our Survey for LICENSED PROVIDER for Health Insurance Work Group

    Use the link to take the survey -- we need at least 250 providers to take this survey. Our securing  health insurance for all of us DEPENDS ON YOU COMPLETING THIS SURVEY! Our future depends on YOU completing this survey. If providers don't step up, we might lose this valuable opportunity.

    2023 Health and Safety Training/CF Orientation Activity for New Staff

    2023 Current Child Care Rules in Oregon (Translation to Spanish in Process) CKC:HSN      Set: 1 Hours: 4 This training can be used to satisfy requirements for: HSN hours for licensing renewals, Staff orientation on licensing rules, Hours for increasing step level on ORO, and Hours for annual/biannual continuing education for licensing.

  • Healthiest You Employer Registration (To Sign Up Employees)
    Updated On: Aug 25, 2022

    If you want to sign up your employees (or as the owner but not the license holder, you would like to sign up yourself and at least 1 other employee) you can go to this link below and get the ball rolling. 


    1. Choose "Healthiest You Complete Bundle"

    2.Group Name is whatever name is on your EIN letter -- must match your EIN number

    3. Use the billing address you want materials sent to.

    4. Estimated number of enrolled employees MUST BE AT LEAST 2

    5. Admin 1 is YOU -- whoever is paying the bill and entering employees -- the primary contact

    6. Admin 2 is OPTIONAL -- if you list someone they will have FULL access the same as you do

    7. Answer the next 2 questions (likely will both be "Yes"

    8. Select "Manual Entry via Client Portal"

    9. Agency Name: Latin Prime

    10. Broker/Consultant Name: Carlos Torres

    11. Email Address to enter: carlost.ffl@gmail.com

    12. General Agency Name -- Leave it BLANK

    13. Heathiest You/Teledoc account executive -- David Toves (use the pull down menu there)

    14. Submitter -- that's you. Leave YOUR info here.

    15.Submit form. You will get an email within a few hours confirming your account being set up. 

    Next Steps: 

    1. You will get a Docusign contract (month to month) -- you will need to finish that

    2. Your account manager will set you up -- It won't be Dave but it will be someone who works for him. Follow the instructions to get access to their portal. They will have a VERY helpful training video I recommend watching. 

    3. Log in, enter employees info. 

    4. You will get all kinds of stuff to help your employees (and you?) onboard.

    5. Need help? You will get emails from your account manager AND your tech support person. Call or email them directly.

    Link to get started (did you print these directions out yet?)

    HealthiestYou Complete Enrollment Link- https://healthiestyou-ykxik.formstack.com/forms/new_employer_group_set_up_form

    or click HERE

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