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    Please complete our Survey for LICENSED PROVIDER for Health Insurance Work Group

    Use the link to take the survey -- we need at least 250 providers to take this survey. Our securing  health insurance for all of us DEPENDS ON YOU COMPLETING THIS SURVEY! Our future depends on YOU completing this survey. If providers don't step up, we might lose this valuable opportunity.

    Link to DELC Survey of Licensed Family Child Care Providers about RF and CF Rules

    DELC Feedback on Rules Link: https://delc.jotform.com/233554321706048 or for all rules AND the survey https://www.oregon.gov/delc/providers/pages/child-care-rules.

    2023 Health and Safety Training/CF Orientation Activity for New Staff

    2023 Current Child Care Rules in Oregon (Translation to Spanish in Process) CKC:HSN      Set: 1 Hours: 4 This training can be used to satisfy requirements for: HSN hours for licensing renewals, Staff orientation on licensing rules, Hours for increasing step level on ORO, and Hours for annual/biannual continuing education for licensing.

    2023 Health and Safety Training/CF Orientation Activity for New Staff

    2023 Current Child Care Rules in Oregon (Translation to Spanish in Process) CKC:HSN      Set: 1 Hours: 4 This training can be used to satisfy requirements for: HSN hours for licensing renewals, Staff orientation on licensing rules, Hours for increasing step level on ORO, and Hours for annual/biannual continuing education for licensing.

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  • 12. Murray Bowen's Family Dynamics FCS Set 1Theory
    Oct 30, 2023

    Trainer: Anneliese Sheahan (Please send all homework by email subject line "Bowen FCS 6hr" and reply to that same email to turn in all homework unless indicated otherwise within the assignments). NEW EMAIL FOR TRAININGS with CCPT: ccpt.trainer.anneliese@gmail.com. Cell 971-204-9110 -- please text or call me if you need any assistance or to discuss coursework.

    Hour 1 

    Reflective Activity -- What family  influences do you see on children's behavior and development? (7 minutes)

    Start with this video (8 minutes) overview of Family Theory. This is my FAVORITE subject when we are talking about understanding chronic stress children experience and explains a LOT about children's behavior. This applies to children -- their family but also their daycare family. 


    Answer the following questions after watching the video: (15 minutes)
    1. Now that you watched this video, what comments do you have, if any,  relating back to your reflective activity answer?
    2. What new information did you learn?
    3. Give me 2 examples from your experience and life (daycare related please -- not personal/home life) of how this information tracks in real life. 
    4. Were you already familiar with Bowen's Theory?
    Watch this 2nd video (30 minutes)  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=upAdaOmiRX8&t=251s
    HOUR 2
    Answer the following questions after watching the video (or you might want to take notes as you watch). 
    1. What are the 7 different types of families under Family Theory?
    2. What are the defining characteristics of each type?
    3. For each type, what do you think you would notice about children -- behaviors, personality traits that are developing, needs, character traits? (Take a deep reflective analytical dive on this one and relate what is in the video to your real life experience -- apply this knowledge you have to the new info you have learned). 
    4. You are a family child care provider -- not a therapist. Using trauma-informed care techniques/strategies, what would you do specifically and especially for a child with needing special care if they were from a family experiencing each of the 7 types of family. (Please separate out your answers and be thorough). Specifically, what would you do to nurture this child specifically, assist their healthy development, and what can you do as an early childhood educator? Brainstorm and get creative --- put your knowledge and experience to the test!
    5.  Do the same now but thinking about how you can help and support the family without enabling the dysfunctional dynamic.
    6. Professional opinion -- Give me your opinion:
    A. Which family type(s) would be most difficult for you to work with and why? 
    B. Which family type(s) would be most damaging to children -- negatively affect their behavior and lead to the most disruptive and/or aggressive behaviors?
    C. Do you suspect that you have families of 1 of the 7 types? Why? What clues do you see? What behaviors do you see in the child and or parents? What type is the family? (Feel free to do more than 1 family). 
    If this takes you longer than 1 hour, please let me know. If you really dig into this and go long, I will add hours to your certificate. I want to give fair credit where credit is due. 
    HOUR 3
    Watch a video -- with me ?  I am guessing that right off the bat, once he gets into #6 you are going to find common ground here. 
    Let's discuss. Please set up a zoom time for you to share your thoughts and discuss how the subjects in this video transfer from a school (elementary likely) setting to a family child care setting and what these mean for those children. If you don't want to watch/discuss it with me, then just watch it, take notes and then go thru each part #6-1 (why does he count down instead of up?) and discuss how this applies to:
    • child care, what you have experienced, and 
    • how did you deal with it (child and parent)? and 
    • how the child and parent dealt with it (if you shared or the child shared any of these with the parent -- sometimes the parents don't know or pay attention to it)?
    If we do it together, it is likely to be a bit longer than 1 hour (more like an hour and half)
    HOUR 4
    Read the following (15 minutes)  
    Take 15 minutes and answer the following questions by tapping into your skills, experience and expertise. (15 minutes)
    1. How is a family child care just like a family?
    2. What make the family child care different from an actual family (as those that reside and live together)?
    3. What dynamics of family theory do you see working in your family child care? Give 1 or 2 short examples of what you see or experience for each dynamic you notice. 
    Now let's go explore Tolman's sibling theory mentioned above. 
    A more studious video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xiwi1JZ-ZiU (7 minutes)
    HOUR 5
    Let's discuss. (45 minutes)
    1. What resonated with your experience?
    2. What do you see in the child care program?
    3. Do you see the sibling affect in your daycare children? Explain a little bit.
    4. Do you see children in your daycare experience similar affects to youngest, middle and oldest siblings in a family (when they are in those positions in your child care)?
    5. What blessings and curses do the children get from their position in the daycare. 
    6. From the TED talk (66 days) -- what do you think? Can you sustain teaching and practice for 66 days with children to establish a habit? Discuss how this information affects how you teach and work with children (or how it will change what you do, now that you know this information). 
    Now, answer these questions (you can answer from your perspective or your significant other's position IF you would prefer to not get "personal") (15 minutes)
    1. What position in your family were you? 
    2. How does this affect you (related to what you've learned so far in class)?
    3. How does what you've learned has affected "how" you are as a child care provider? Try to be specific about policies, practices, and your behavior/relationship with families.
    HOUR 6 
    Pulling it all together (20-30 minutes)
    1. How will you use this information? Changes you might make and/or things you are doing already but will not be more aware of and you now better understand why you do things the way you do?
    A. Personally in running your child care business?
    B. In working with the children?
    C. In working with the parents?
    D. In working within the community including with ERDC and DELC (licensing) and Food Program if applicable?
    2. Synthesis (20-30 minutes)
    Read this article (5 minutes or less) https://www.thebowencenter.org/sibling-position 
    Answer this question from what you've studied. (15 minutes)
    Why is understanding family dynamics (as they apply to a family, a child, and our child care programs) so important and how do those dynamics affect a child throughout their life. (I'm looking for several key words including: trauma, future relationships, success in life, adult relationships, academic achievement, life choices, predicting success, behavior, peer relationships, and future family dynamics).
    Evaluation: please send this back to me with your honest opinions. If you are uncomfortable sending it to me, you can send it to President Lisa Duffield -- oregonccpt132@gmail.com
    Please send by email: Answer the following on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being absolutely no way, not at all!  to 10 being 100% yes!)
    1. Was there new-to-you information in this training?
    2. Was the topic of this training applicable to the Core Knowledge Category?
    3. Did this training allow you to make connections between theoretical/academic information and real life/the work you do?
    4. Was the amount of work and the time allotted reasonable and correct?
    5. Was the topic interesting?
    6. Was the topic relevant?
    7. Was the material interesting?
    8. Was the material relevant?
    9. Would you recommend this training to other providers?
    10. Other info you want to share/feedback to help us improve this training?

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