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    Please complete our Survey for LICENSED PROVIDER for Health Insurance Work Group

    Use the link to take the survey -- we need at least 250 providers to take this survey. Our securing  health insurance for all of us DEPENDS ON YOU COMPLETING THIS SURVEY! Our future depends on YOU completing this survey. If providers don't step up, we might lose this valuable opportunity.

    2023 Health and Safety Training/CF Orientation Activity for New Staff

    2023 Current Child Care Rules in Oregon (Translation to Spanish in Process) CKC:HSN      Set: 1 Hours: 4 This training can be used to satisfy requirements for: HSN hours for licensing renewals, Staff orientation on licensing rules, Hours for increasing step level on ORO, and Hours for annual/biannual continuing education for licensing.

  • View it here: November 2023 Union's Public Testimony on Rule Revisions (4 RACs) and to ELC
    Updated On: Feb 16, 2024

    Please see the attached document below (downloadable in pdf format). These were approved by the Local Executive Board. While the Local Executive Board is supportive of some of the rule language, we condemn some of the proposed rules and are strongly against those rules passing. We want to assure our members that if some of these rules that we are against do pass, we will continue to fight those rules through legal channels available and appropriate. 

    AFSCME stands up for our members legal rights -- especially their Constitutional rights! 


  • AFSCME Local 132

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